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  • The emigrant's destiny: The foreign country has not become home, but home has become foreign.

    --Alfred Polger (d. 1955), Der Emigrant und die Heimat

    Emigranten-Schicksal: Die Fremde ist nicht Heimat geworden. Aber die Heimat Fremde.

    Between 2007 and 2009, I lived in Los Angeles after living in Paris for many years. My Paris blog (before and after my Los Angeles sojourn) is Rue Rude.

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    « Scots and rules in Paris | Main | The white sky again »

    21 March 2007


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    Yes. And this is why I now live in France and not in Johannesburg. He's right. The crime changes you deep down.


    Wendz, I've just visited your blog for the first time. You're my first South African blogger...so interesting to read you.

    I often wonder about what I'd have been like as a South African. My grandmother came to America from Ireland, but her sister went to South Africa, and I have cousins in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Durban. I visited the country a few years ago and it is one of the most beautiful on earth. I hope to live to see it return to normality.

    South Africa was a wonderful place to grow up in. I am thankful for my childhood. But things have changed beyond recognition and all that beauty doesn't hide the fact that people live in fear of their safety.

    My Mom and a sister and brother are still there...and I worry for my Mom. Everyday there is some new incident of a hijacking or a murder or a savage break-in - 2 weeks ago it was 3 houses up the road from her and she is so vulnerable on her own.

    My other brother and sister also gave up the fight and took their families to New Zealand/ They, as do I, appreciate their now safe and tranquil lives. Until you have lived with that fear, every day, you cannot understand the enormous relief when it goes away.

    I miss home - sometimes intensely - but hope I never have to go back and live there. Not until the government does something to stamp out the crime.

    Hi Sedulia !

    Having worked there, Amerloque had quite a few friends and acquaintances in the RSA. Recently he looked up people he had known way back when. Of the "white" and "colored" friends and business acquaintances (whether Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, or Muslim) … they have all emigrated. All. Without exception. Of the five "black" executives Amerloque knew, one has emigrated, one is desperately hanging on, two are dead and the third no news. The nursing sister he knew was in the process of moving to the UK.

    The skills are emigrating, the money is emigrating. The country is in big, big trouble. One is tempted to ask if it has not passed the "point of no return". (sigh)


    Hello Sedulia
    I've been reading and enjoying your blogs for a while but since I'm from the Lake District, this is the post that has finally got me to comment! Hope you enjoyed it. I couldn't wait to get away but appreciate it now of course and visit often.
    I've lived in Paris for 12 years now and discovered Rue Rude just before you moved to LA.
    I loved your post about American parents bragging about their children and laughed out loud at your description of Brits and they way they talk about their kids. I'm the same. So disparaging about my poor daughter. And she's only 3.
    Anyway, I check in most days. Thanks!!

    This was my first visit to the Lake District. I'd like to go back and spend a week, preferably when it's not snowing!

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    • In Paris, the purest virtue is the object of the filthiest slander.

        –Honoré Balzac (1799-1850), in Scènes de la vie privée

      À Paris, la vertu la plus pure est l'objet des plus sales calomnies.

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