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  • The emigrant's destiny: The foreign country has not become home, but home has become foreign.

    --Alfred Polger (d. 1955), Der Emigrant und die Heimat

    Emigranten-Schicksal: Die Fremde ist nicht Heimat geworden. Aber die Heimat Fremde.

    Between 2007 and 2009, I lived in Los Angeles after living in Paris for many years. My Paris blog (before and after my Los Angeles sojourn) is Rue Rude.

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    « Big, big, BIG strawberries, all year round | Main | My first Sig Alert. I'm staying home »

    24 April 2007


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    The weather is so wonderful here that it is hard to stay in a bad mood.

    This is so true. It's so pretty here so regularly that I actually considered getting a convertible car. One of the few places I can think of where the roof would down often enough to make the bother worth it.

    Sedulia, I apologize that the comment on your last post seemed harsh. I'm glad you weren't too put out by it.

    I do love your writing and pictures, and I will keep coming back for more!

    Thanks to LA Frog and to you for your wise response comments!

    Lovely photo, by the way.

    Sedulia: I am an enthusiastic reader of your blog - it's intelligent and insightful and so funny. It's probably second on my faves list. The many socio-cultural differences between Europe and the USA are well-observed here and I don't see the blog as a list of complaints. I am British but have lived in the States and I'm often laughing in recognition at your portraits. But I need more background info! Why, and for how long are you back in the States?

    One of my family members needs to be here for a couple of years. We still think of Paris as home. It may be harder than we thought to leave L.A., though.

    I lived several years in the 'south bay' of LA county in Hermosa Beach, on The Strand. Though I'm learning to like Paris, your posts make me nostalgic - even posts about traffic, because I loved my little convertible! I'm wondering whether you've had the opportunity to visit Topanga Canyon's Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum? It's a slice of magic...

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    Today's quotation

    • In Paris, the purest virtue is the object of the filthiest slander.

        –Honoré Balzac (1799-1850), in Scènes de la vie privée

      À Paris, la vertu la plus pure est l'objet des plus sales calomnies.

    Le petit aperçu d'Ailleurs

    • Annual Geminids meteor shower (shooting stars!) coming this weekend, if it's not too cloudy out at night.