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  • The emigrant's destiny: The foreign country has not become home, but home has become foreign.

    --Alfred Polger (d. 1955), Der Emigrant und die Heimat

    Emigranten-Schicksal: Die Fremde ist nicht Heimat geworden. Aber die Heimat Fremde.

    Between 2007 and 2009, I lived in Los Angeles after living in Paris for many years. My Paris blog (before and after my Los Angeles sojourn) is Rue Rude.

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    « Quotation of the day: makeup for men | Main | Helene Lohe, my Trümmerfrau »

    30 April 2007


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    Ditto. Boy, do I miss Paris! Yet, I could no longer live there. The buzz and energy of L.A. is just too appealing (despite the inevitable drawbacks.) Whenever I go back "home," I feel like I am visiting a museum with great food.

    sad but true. some of us new media folk are doing what we can to get things moving, but certainly there isn't much else in the realm of the progressive going on.

    so what's going on in LA these days? aside from the churning out of television programs to numb and pacify whatever remains of american intellect? or have I got it all wrong?

    So, what's there that makes it hot? And is being hot a good thing? What about slow - I love slow. Join the Slow Movement! Is it possible to be slow *and* hot - or even cool? Sedulia - I thought you adored Paris?

    It's so easy to forget about the rest of the world here... I do love Paris and I feel I belong there, but-- "out of sight, out of mind." (Les absents ont toujours tort.)

    There's a Slow Food Movement here in L.A., but I've heard it's slow going.


    Do people in LA really live in their cars, selon le stéréotype? If they do, LA might not be hot for long. Oil is over, don't you think? Arnold seems to realize it.

    They do actually live in their cars. People eat, drink, talk on the phone, put on their makeup, send text messages and read newspapers in the car here. You see "front-seat offices" for sale in stores-- these include a stand for your laptop so you can tap away while you're in traffic jams!

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    Today's quotation

    • In Paris, the purest virtue is the object of the filthiest slander.

        –Honoré Balzac (1799-1850), in Scènes de la vie privée

      À Paris, la vertu la plus pure est l'objet des plus sales calomnies.

    Le petit aperçu d'Ailleurs

    • Annual Geminids meteor shower (shooting stars!) coming this weekend, if it's not too cloudy out at night.