I may have the palest skin in Paris (my aunts in Louisiana asked why I was wearing white stockings with my dress) but such is the mystique of the tan in the French mind that several people have already tried to compliment me by saying that I am bronzée.
The idea that you could live in a sunny climate and not want to get as tan as possible has not yet arrived in France.
In fact, in California I have seen more and more women using parasols. It's a style that re-started from Asia, but it's practical on hot days, much cooler than a hat.
I'm cracking up at the fact you are so 'bronzee' because you live in LA. Maybe I should start telling people that.
Posted by: Pardon_My_French | 18 June 2008 at 17:37
Nothing to do with paleness, but the lady in the picture is so skinny, it's scary!
Posted by: Noelia | 05 July 2008 at 21:04
Don't you think she's just very young?
Posted by: Sedulia | 10 July 2008 at 01:11
I believe this image is beautiful enough to hang in the Louvre. I would buy as many photos of your particularly perfectly pale and mysterious form as were offered. It's the image of the prize for which all men achieve and aspire. No human work of art can compare.
Posted by: Your Liege | 11 July 2009 at 06:36