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  • The emigrant's destiny: The foreign country has not become home, but home has become foreign.

    --Alfred Polger (d. 1955), Der Emigrant und die Heimat

    Emigranten-Schicksal: Die Fremde ist nicht Heimat geworden. Aber die Heimat Fremde.

    Between 2007 and 2009, I lived in Los Angeles after living in Paris for many years. My Paris blog (before and after my Los Angeles sojourn) is Rue Rude.

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    « Honestly, who could resist? Awww! | Main | Sunset »

    27 October 2008


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    I've enjoyed reading L.A. en vie and wish you continued good times in California....

    Dear Sedulia,
    Thank you so much for your blog these last few years. I got a lot of pleasure from reading it and considering your points of view. May the rest of your life go well. I will miss you.
    Chris Panero, California

    I am spending les vacances de la Toussaint in Paris, just near the junction of the Bds. St. Michel and St. Germain. I will have an espresso for you.

    All that time I blogged while living here, I never read you; it was only once you were in LA and I was in Kentucky that I did so. That said, I will miss your posts. Bonne continuation !

    Oh non! the first blog I read in the morning with my café.. I so like your wit and the way you look at things...well avec mes sincères remerciements, please believe, Madame, in the assurance of my sad yet distinguished and best wishing sentiments. I will miss you!

    Well, I will keep your bookmark and check in periodically. It has been my pleasure to read what ever you wanted to write.
    Good luck and see you in Paris.

    no, i have not noticed you don't have much to say! it's been a lovely experience to hear your ever-so-slightly odd (?!) points of view these last years, and i'll miss you. cheers for the future.

    Darn it! As an American expat in Paris, I discovered you through Rue Rude, followed your blogging in California, and now...nothing.

    So, all I can say is that I hope that you come back to Paris soon! Or Mongolia, or whereever provoking enough to put your opinions out there.

    I don't blog myself, but have become an avid reader of all sorts of blogs while in France. I imagine that if I were return to the US, I would have less use for the blogosphere as well. Best wishes!

    I too shall miss you, your blog was something I looked forward to visiting, especially since I moved back to my country of birth almost two years ago and felt the transition keenly (to put it mildly).

    Zut alors! You will be greatly missed. Your reflections in Rue Rude et LA envie were always a treat to read. Patricia

    All good wishes to you! I will check in from time to time because I enjoyed your writing.

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    Today's quotation

    • In Paris, the purest virtue is the object of the filthiest slander.

        –Honoré Balzac (1799-1850), in Scènes de la vie privée

      À Paris, la vertu la plus pure est l'objet des plus sales calomnies.

    Le petit aperçu d'Ailleurs

    • Annual Geminids meteor shower (shooting stars!) coming this weekend, if it's not too cloudy out at night.